Кайтфорум KITE.COM.UA - Показать сообщение отдельно - Cabrinha 2014
Тема: Cabrinha 2014
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Старый 15.08.2013, 18:23   #29
Регистрация: 13.12.2005
Адрес: Запорожье
Сообщений: 512
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Cabrinha: Cabrinha is definitely going down. We just don’t know how far. The way they sell is put a very high price on the kite at the product launch cycle. After three months they aggressively discount the kite to the dealers at 30% off. They are turning into a closeout brand. Material quality may still be a challenge for them. I also think they have slowed down on any new kite innovations. The kites are not bad, but nothing stands out either. My understanding is that supply from Chang Ho (canopy material) is really terrible, and unpredictably late. Factories from Sri Lanka said they will stop with Chang Ho. Which means he is standing back in front of the Tiejin sale rep trying to build a position to get quality polyester. This means a price increase for brands using Chang Ho.
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