Кайтфорум KITE.COM.UA - Показать сообщение отдельно - Не ужели и Лентену надоел SS ?
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Старый 01.02.2013, 23:46   #17
Регистрация: 03.06.2004
Адрес: Киев
Сообщений: 2,956
Официальное заявление слингшота:
Slingshot Sports has separated with Ruben Lenten. According to Slingshot Team Manager Mauricio Abreu, “Slingshot has always been a brand that builds both leaders and champions, but we don’t buy them. It is an end of a great era - a time when our products and Rubens riding literally took the sport to the highest level possible today. We are now looking forward to kiteboarding’s next era of champions to take the sport beyond what is capable today.”
_Alex вне форума   Цитата